005. The Soul, Soul Family & Intuition with Vanessa Smith - The magic that brought us all to this particular conversation in space and time

April 16, 2024 01:02:08
005. The Soul, Soul Family & Intuition with Vanessa Smith - The magic that brought us all to this particular conversation in space and time
Awakening Conversations
005. The Soul, Soul Family & Intuition with Vanessa Smith - The magic that brought us all to this particular conversation in space and time

Apr 16 2024 | 01:02:08


Show Notes

In this episode, we are joined by Vanessa Smith to discuss the concept of the soul and its importance in our awakening journeys. We explore the idea that we are not just human beings with a soul, but rather our soul has a human experience. We dive into the concept of the soul family and use tangible and current examples from own relationships to illustrate how our lives guide us to connect and collaborate with those we made agreements with on a soul level. 

The importance of following intuition and creating new paths is also discussed, along with the impact of intuition on personal and collective growth. The episode concludes with an introduction to the Energy Guide program, which supports individuals in expanding their intuitive gifts and navigating energy.


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